Saturday, September 13, 2008

Spanglish comments?

What's up with the bilingual comments? Two of my blog groupies (haha) are now Spanglish speakers/writers. Who knew? Jamie started with "para que," and Jennifer numbered her list of points by typing out, "uno, dos, tres." Weird, right?

Speaking of Jennifer's bilingual list, I want to address a couple of points. I find it highly amusing that she will resort to any ploy whatsoever to get me to go to NY. For example, her recent attempt to persuade me to schedule another visit so we can watch a movie when she gets her high-society movie projector. Hahaha. Oh, and, while I am talking about her, I have to give her props for making the Dean's List (and for being a newfound Scrabble addict)! GO J.G. TO THE FIRST!

Oddly enough, the one person that would be expected to use Spanglish in a comment did not. Maybe it was because she was too busy contemplating weighing her carry-on bag on the Publix scale. Only Jeni Breadsticks! For the record, we probably should not start packing yet. We still have 2 weeks and 6 days until our departure (but who's counting)!

There is no news on the job front. I wish there was. I need to find something... soon!

Last night, I watched Turn the River, which deserved a 2.75. I was feeling charitable, so I went with a 3-star rating. Hopefully, the next movie that I watch will get me out of this 3-star rut.

I am supposed to venture out of the house tonight. Will it really happen? Only time will tell...

1 comment:

  1. ¡Spanglish, now your speaking mi idioma! I speak Spanglish daily, in hope that one day it will emerge to full blown Spanish.

    I am going to be in south Florida from Oct 9 - Oct 20, so we should get together for some good eats and a game of Scrabble. I actually have Spanish Scrabble, too bad it is in storage!
