Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blasts from the past can even make me smile.

Ahhh, yes, it's true. Last night, I was reunited with a long-lost friend. We chatted for hours, and it felt like no time had gone by at all. Friendships like that, which stand the test of time, RULE!

On a completely unrelated note, I hate it when you try to watch a movie and keep falling asleep during it. For the last few nights, I have been trying to get through You Kill Me, but I cannot manage to stay awake. I don't even have to be tired; I put it on and within moments, I'm sleeping. The next night, I fast forward to the point that I last recall and try to finish it, but, next thing I know, I am sleeping. At this point, it is not even that the movie is good; I just want to get through it. Come on, Ben (Kingsley)...

Speaking of Sir Ben Kingsley, I still cannot wait to see The Wackness. When R.G. first told me about the movie, it was because he was interning for the project. He failed to mention how awesome it was... and how awesome the soundtrack is! It was only in (very, very) limited release here, so I have to wait for it to make it to DVD. I really can't wait!

On the job search front, I have yet to start today's round. I did, however, plan on applying to yesterday's assortment of jobs. Unfortunately, I need to re-format my resume as a CV for one of them. Plus, I have to find an appropriate writing sample for several of the others. Oh, and I even have to create my cover letter in an attachable document. What a mission...

I told my sister that I'd take her to the mall, so I guess that means that I actually have to wear something other than pajamas. I hate the mall (and my life). Hopefully, I can live to tell you about this (unfortunate) adventure.


  1. Ok:

    1. to be cliche within the bounds of our friendship - WE NEED TO HANG

    2. every movie you watch can't possibly hit the average mark 3 every single time - hmmm "Lucy....somesing fishy's going on"

    3. blogging can be therapeutic - but you cannot start thinking about who is actually reading it - censorship might ensue ( i was pretty surprised at that little sneak)

    And finally - I MISS YOU HOMIE!!!

  2. In response to each of your points:

    1. Yes, we do need to hang out. I live a life of leisure, so name the time and place.

    2. I completely agree, but Netflix only allows me to rate in whole stars. I hate it, and it frustrates me entirely too much. A 3-star rating equates with having "liked [the movie]." Sometimes I can't go as far as to say that I didn't like it, so I am forced to rate said movie 3 stars. Do you have Netflix? I am an addict.

    3. I think about who is reading it, but it's all good. It's not so much therapeutic as it is something to occupy some of my time.

    4. I miss you, too... it's been too long.

  3. um....i don't have much to comment now. i'm slowly staying up later and later because i love you and am actually enjoying your blog. shopping blows. but conversely, i wish i had the money to shop. as a matter of fact, it looks like i'm going to denigrate myself (if that is the correct verb...probably not) to handing out flyers for ten dollars an hour....five hours at a time....


  4. uno) RG is super cool

    dos) we need to watch the wackness

    tres) come to ny when it comes on netflix cause I'm planning on buying a projector
