Thursday, September 11, 2008

I might be addicted to Scrabble.

It's true. I love Scrabble. Now that I found a nice online version (, I am really hooked. I tell myself that I will just play a game or two before I embark on
x task. Next thing I know, much more time has lapsed than should have. It's all good. I'm stimulating my mind. Right?

Surprisingly, there has been no cake-baking this week -- despite the fact that there have been several birthdays. Nonetheless, my fiddle inquired about the Homer (and a giant doughnut) cake that I made last month. In case anyone else is interested, I figured I would put it up here.

Let's see... here is a bulleted list of today's highlights:
  • My client/stalker appears to have stopped texting me. That's a big plus.
  • I applied for a freelance proofreading job that I would LOVE to have.
  • I took the day off from the hippie's work.
  • I was the email blast master, sending out hundreds of emails about Saturday night -- a good hip-hop night at Brass Monkey.
I told you that my life is not that exciting. If those were the highlights, can you imagine what the rest of the day was like?

Seriously, though... I watched
Married Life this morning, and it was highly disappointing. Can you imagine Rachel McAdams hooking up with Pierce Brosnan or Chris Cooper? The movie was boring, unrealistic, and just pretty bad. Since I did watch the whole thing without turning it off or stepping away, I will have to give it a 2 (which translates to "didn't like it" for all you non-Netflix users).

Oh, and I think that I might write a poem about cake. Christina, the self-proclaimed lover of cake, said that she wasn't talented enough to do it. Mind you, she really is, but, maybe I can write a silly little rhyme, and it will motivate her to write one, too. It will be food for thought... literally.


  1. you are super cute when it comes to cake and such.

    and super strict when it comes to your movies. i really need to get netflix...

    also, after i watched you reach > level 50 on that stupid scrabble-wannabe tv was then i knew you loved scrabble. GASP.

    but its okay. im not mad. i'm addicted to reading....just not productive reading. you dig?

  2. I am addicted to scrabulous...thanks cuz.. I spend less time reading but heck my vocabulary is improving.. who knew the fourteenth letter of the greek alphabet was a legimate scrabble word along with proper nouns
