Friday, September 12, 2008

Comments by number

Some of you may take the time to read the comments that people leave and my responses thereto, while others may not. The artist formerly known as my 17-year-old best friend definitely left a series of reply-worthy comments, and I am going to devote today's posting to those (in chronological order -- she commented each posting in the order which they were published for your reading pleasure).

(The comments from the beginning...)

1. GET NETFLIX! I can send you the next free trial thing that I get, and we can be friends!

2. You might be on to something with this webcam gaming, or you could starting playing Scrabble with me online!

3. There is no need to stop numbering things. It creates order. I like it.

(I love it when people love my Cakes by Phone.)

1. The comment speaks for itself: "cake=excellent" --- You read it here, folks.

2. I have yet to go to Moe's. Maybe it is my insane sense of loyalty to Chipotle. How do you feel about Chipotle?

(Replies to the self-proclaimed "number-free" comment...)

I am going to NY because I miss it. I need a change of scenery. I need to escape the sauna-like heat of here. I need to be reunited with the NY foods without which I cannot live. I miss my friends and family up there. Plus, I got a really cheap plane ticket (turned free ticket when my amazing friend, Jeni Breadsticks, hooked it up).

(Another comment sans numbers...)

You are right. A slice of lasagna pizza does always make the world a slightly better place. Mmmm.

Also, I agree and admit that working for hippies is a problem. These are the things that one must do in a time of financial instability.

(We're back to numbering.)

2. Edward Burns is awesome. He is an actor/writer/director that has been in some really good movies, such as 15 Minutes, Confidence, Saving Private Ryan, Sidewalks of New York, and, more recently, 27 Dresses. He rules.

3. Since you asked, I can tell you that (a) I have ranked and rewarded over one hundred movies with a 5-star rating, and (b) I don't even want to count those that received 4 stars from me. To give you an idea, the cream of the crop list includes: the complete Back to the Future series, Confidence, Good Will Hunting, The Life of David Gale, Pump Up the Volume, The Silence of the Lambs, the entire DVD collection of Six Feet Under (one of my all-time favorite TV shows), Suicide Kings, and The Usual Suspects. That is just a small sample. Once you become a Netflix-user, you can view all of my ratings (of which there are over 1,600 to date).

4. I wish that your new rating system could be implemented! Unfortunately, one cannot rate a movie multiple times on Netflix. There is no way to get around the whole-star rating system. 'Tis sad but true, I'm afraid.

(Responses to comments post-numbering...)

There could be worse jobs than handing out flyers for $10 an hour. Actually, what are the flyers for? The purpose of the advertisement might influence my opinion.

Who knew that anyone would describe me as "super cute" when it comes to anything? Weird, right?

For the record, everyone needs to get Netflix (not just you, Jamie). Netflix higher-ups, you should reward me for all of my advertising efforts.


P.S. Jamie and Jeni, you both got personal shout-outs on here; the least you could do is click "FOLLOW THIS BLOG" already. Dang....................


  1. OK, OK, I'm here! Actually, it took me a second to decide whether or not I should even write OK or okay or o.k. Knowing how grammatical errors tend to get to you, made me giggle. Then I decided to just go ahead with it, since I'm at work and shouldn't be "blogging."

    I love you!! Can we start packing for NYC, yet? Oh, and I need you to email me those digits I requested. Oh and maybe your zip code, too. I'm not sure.

    I am scared I'm going to get overcharged for baggage. I might go weigh my carry-on at Publix just to be sure. What about souvenirs!? What if my bag weighs too much on the way back? Ugh...

    Call me later, nerd.


  2. 1. i created a profile and such just to follow your blog :)

    2. i'm maintaining the numbering system just for you (however, even though my OCD doth protest, i am going to abstain from capitalizing everything i wrote...except "OCD"...ehh......)

    3. you are my hero. and i love you. and a totally heterosexual life mate sort of way. but its still love...

    4. i would love a netflix free trial dealio; i have yet to try chipotle, but i hear they have delicious burritos ranking at par with moe's (therefore, next time i am in burrito-craving-mode i will seek this new experience); free plane tickets! woo!!!!!; i absolutely am completely astounded and flabbergasted that you have ranked soooo many movies.......i am truly humbled....; flyer=super saver/coupon book;

    5. i love this blog idea. hardcore. and i am such a scrabble nooooblet....i don't know how i feel about playing online, but, one day, we'll make it a date.

    ps. i miss you hard. and i am once again too lazy to send that lengthy email. but it will happen one of these days.....i tots promise...

