Thursday, September 18, 2008

Did you miss me?

It seems like it has been a long time since my last post. Surprisingly, I have been keeping somewhat busy. I spent a good portion of Tuesday dealing with public health in the form of a county-run clinic. (That's what happens when you don't have health insurance.) Yesterday, I went shopping for some cake-decorating accessories and ended up getting some other cool stuff, too. Today, I had two different reunions -- one planned, one last minute. I was able to spend some quality time with a couple of my oldest friends.

Last night and this morning (because I fell asleep last night), I watched Miss Conception. How is it that a preview can make a movie look so good when the full-length film is actually pretty bad? Much to my disappointment, I had to give it only 2 stars. What a pity. What made it even worse was the fact that the previews featured before the movie were good. As a general rule, if the previews shown before a DVD movie are bad, the movie will be bad. I guess the contrary is not true. Who knew?

Unbelievable as this may seem, I have not watched any TV/movies tonight (yet). I just spent nearly two hours on the phone with Hamptons, plotting and scheming about our future bakery! How dope will that be! I wish we could fast-forward to the point in time where we are successful professional bakers/pastry artists/cake decorators.

Speaking of baking, the next cake masterpiece will begin tomorrow. Be on the lookout for upcoming pictures...

1 comment:

  1. theoretically, it would be amazing if it was possible to mail a cake to someone..and have it remain fresh.

    if that were possible, in exchange for some cakey deliciousness, i would send you pancakes. now, i know that sounds lame, but i've become quite the pancake connoisseur... you see, i really and truly love the taste of the pancake batter. so, therefore, i have been making pancakes here very very....very often. and i've gotten rather good at it. so, next time we hang, it is a very distinct possibility that i may make you pancakes...if thats not too weird...
