Monday, September 29, 2008

Water parks of the world?

A few weeks ago, I was chatting online with my favorite guy who is wise, when he told me that he was going to a water park in Israel. At the time, I thought that it was weird, but I didn't question it. Then, last night, Duane and I were talking on the phone, and, for some unknown reason, we were talking about the idea of an Israeli water park. We agreed that water parks seem to be an American amusement, and we couldn't get our heads around the concept of non-American water parks. We conceded that a Canadian water park makes sense, but a water park in Israel? I told Duane that I would do some research on the subject, and it turns out that there really are water parks all over the world. Who knew? If you want to know more about this, you can visit

Gina got the most awesome board game for her birthday. The game, Eat It, is a Trivial Pursuit-esque game, where you work your way around the board in an effort to collect all of the pie pieces (or, in this case, pyramid cards) and eventually have to answer a series of questions correctly to win the game. It was another family game night, and, according to Tommy, the cosmic forces worked in our favor as we found ourselves on the same winning team again! Ahhh, victory is sweet (no pun intended)!

Last night, I watched Felon (with Steven Dorff and Val Kilmer). It was really good -- 3.75, which translated to a 4. Criminal justice (if you can call it that) is a crazy concept. Watch the movie.

This morning, I woke up early to serve as an airport shuttle for the third time in less than a week. Maybe this is my calling.

For the record, I really hate waking up early. Anyway, when I got back I put on
Finding Amanda, which was absoultely terrible. I hated it. Matthew Broderick rules, so I really cannot understand why he would have wasted his time on this piece of garbage.

In other random news:
  • Only 4 days until I leave for NY! I can taste the pizza already!
  • Gina loved her birthday cake.
  • I made a Facebook profile.
  • The Cupcakes by Phone made for Gina's birthday party on Friday night (not to be confused with the Saturday night family party) were a big success!
That's all for now. I need to get motivated.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Am I your guitar hero or what????

If I was not before, then, I better be your guitar hero now that you have had the opportunity to check out these two pictures of the latest (and, quite possibly, dopest) cake in the Cakes by Phone repertoire thus far. I have opted to show you two pictures to ensure that you get the details -- plus, the angles are a little awkward, and I want to you have the best viewing experience possible! Tommy loved it!

The next cake is on the way. I had a plan, but I think that I have to deviate from it. You'll have to stay tuned to see how it turns out. Plus, since it is Gina's birthday, I have to go all out and make her cupcakes (which are easily transportable) to take to her impromptu party on Friday night. What a lucky girl she is to have a sister that will bake her a cake AND cupcakes...

In the absence of many of the regular game night crew, it was awesome that we had family game night last Saturday. Cranium was the board game du jour, and the birthday boy did tell me that I was godlike. That was a highlight. Throughout all of the randomly-selected team changes, Tommy and I remained on the same team, and we were undefeated! That's what I like to see!

This weekend's movie-watching included 88 Minutes, Snow Angels, and The Art of Travel. First of all, 88 Minutes was really good, 4-star worthy, in fact. Snow Angels left a lot to be desired, and I would have liked to give it a 2.5, but resorted to a 2. Lastly, The Art of Travel, while not great, really made me want to go on vacation without a plan. I gave it a 3 for evoking such sentiment. It was actually pretty cool (even if nobody else thought so -- the average star rating was less than 2). Don't get me wrong -- it was far from critical acclaim, but I liked the concept behind it. Also, the beginning part was AMAZING! You'll have to watch it to see what I mean.

Speaking of travel, I am going to the airport tonight to pick up Christina and Cathy before they head to Costa Rica tomorrow morning. I am soooooooooooo jealous! Luckily, my trip to NY is only one week and three days away; that will have to be the much needed consolation prize.

On one final note for today, I want to address Jamie's comments (since she wins the award for best follower as judged by her frequency of comments). Borrowing her term (and adding an apostrophe to make it more official and gramatically correct), 'twould be sweet to meet for dinner during the your visit home. Also, for the record, I love pancakes, and it would never be weird to eat pancakes made by someone else.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Did you miss me?

It seems like it has been a long time since my last post. Surprisingly, I have been keeping somewhat busy. I spent a good portion of Tuesday dealing with public health in the form of a county-run clinic. (That's what happens when you don't have health insurance.) Yesterday, I went shopping for some cake-decorating accessories and ended up getting some other cool stuff, too. Today, I had two different reunions -- one planned, one last minute. I was able to spend some quality time with a couple of my oldest friends.

Last night and this morning (because I fell asleep last night), I watched Miss Conception. How is it that a preview can make a movie look so good when the full-length film is actually pretty bad? Much to my disappointment, I had to give it only 2 stars. What a pity. What made it even worse was the fact that the previews featured before the movie were good. As a general rule, if the previews shown before a DVD movie are bad, the movie will be bad. I guess the contrary is not true. Who knew?

Unbelievable as this may seem, I have not watched any TV/movies tonight (yet). I just spent nearly two hours on the phone with Hamptons, plotting and scheming about our future bakery! How dope will that be! I wish we could fast-forward to the point in time where we are successful professional bakers/pastry artists/cake decorators.

Speaking of baking, the next cake masterpiece will begin tomorrow. Be on the lookout for upcoming pictures...

Monday, September 15, 2008

I am out of the 3-star rut!

I finally gave a movie more than 3 stars! On Saturday night, I watched 3 movies (or parts thereof): (1) Chaos Theory, (2) Awake, and (3) part of The Invasion. The first was disappointing; I liked the concept, but it just did not come to fruition the way that it could (or should) have. I gave it a 2, but was thinking closer to 2.5. The second was surprisingly good and was the movie to get me out of the 3-star rut. I gave it a 4 because I really liked it! Gina told me that it was awesome, but I had my doubts. Lastly, The Invasion was so bad that I did not even want to waste my not-so-precious time watching the whole thing. I hated it and only gave it 1 star.

Other than movie-watching, the weekend was pretty uneventful. I was a human GPS; R.G. called me to find out where this bar was and for other suggestions because he and the rest of the crew were not dressed appropriately for the place at which Tricia planned to party. The ironic part of this was that he was in NYC, and I was sitting at home in South Florida. Nice, right? I love that. Maybe that is my calling... maybe I will bill myself as the world's only real-time human GPS.

Last night, I finally ventured out of the house. D-Rock and I went to get ice cream at Cold Stone with a pit-stop before at McDonald's (because we agreed that we should eat some type of dinner before we ate ice cream). I had something different, which was really awesome. The Make-a-Wish Foundation launched a couple of creations, one of which is known as Jack's Creation (marshmallow ice cream with Oreos, chocolate chips, and fudge). That was the one that I got, and it was delicious! I could go for it right now... mmmmmmmm.

The next cake is in the works, so be on the lookout for the developments. I am awaiting images for my inspiration after which I will be drafting blueprints. Hint, hint, Britt.

On the job search front, I sent my resume out to several proofreading/editing jobs in the event that I do not get that freelance proofreading job that I really want. Keep your fingers crossed!

Last night's episode of Entourage was really good. As usual, I cannot wait until next Sunday. They really should consider extending the episodes to an hour in length. The half-hour (or, more accurately, 20-something minutes) passes too quickly.

Other TV notes of importance: the new season of House starts tomorrow night! I can't wait! Bean, I wish we could have a season premiere party!

That's all for today...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Spanglish comments?

What's up with the bilingual comments? Two of my blog groupies (haha) are now Spanglish speakers/writers. Who knew? Jamie started with "para que," and Jennifer numbered her list of points by typing out, "uno, dos, tres." Weird, right?

Speaking of Jennifer's bilingual list, I want to address a couple of points. I find it highly amusing that she will resort to any ploy whatsoever to get me to go to NY. For example, her recent attempt to persuade me to schedule another visit so we can watch a movie when she gets her high-society movie projector. Hahaha. Oh, and, while I am talking about her, I have to give her props for making the Dean's List (and for being a newfound Scrabble addict)! GO J.G. TO THE FIRST!

Oddly enough, the one person that would be expected to use Spanglish in a comment did not. Maybe it was because she was too busy contemplating weighing her carry-on bag on the Publix scale. Only Jeni Breadsticks! For the record, we probably should not start packing yet. We still have 2 weeks and 6 days until our departure (but who's counting)!

There is no news on the job front. I wish there was. I need to find something... soon!

Last night, I watched Turn the River, which deserved a 2.75. I was feeling charitable, so I went with a 3-star rating. Hopefully, the next movie that I watch will get me out of this 3-star rut.

I am supposed to venture out of the house tonight. Will it really happen? Only time will tell...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Comments by number

Some of you may take the time to read the comments that people leave and my responses thereto, while others may not. The artist formerly known as my 17-year-old best friend definitely left a series of reply-worthy comments, and I am going to devote today's posting to those (in chronological order -- she commented each posting in the order which they were published for your reading pleasure).

(The comments from the beginning...)

1. GET NETFLIX! I can send you the next free trial thing that I get, and we can be friends!

2. You might be on to something with this webcam gaming, or you could starting playing Scrabble with me online!

3. There is no need to stop numbering things. It creates order. I like it.

(I love it when people love my Cakes by Phone.)

1. The comment speaks for itself: "cake=excellent" --- You read it here, folks.

2. I have yet to go to Moe's. Maybe it is my insane sense of loyalty to Chipotle. How do you feel about Chipotle?

(Replies to the self-proclaimed "number-free" comment...)

I am going to NY because I miss it. I need a change of scenery. I need to escape the sauna-like heat of here. I need to be reunited with the NY foods without which I cannot live. I miss my friends and family up there. Plus, I got a really cheap plane ticket (turned free ticket when my amazing friend, Jeni Breadsticks, hooked it up).

(Another comment sans numbers...)

You are right. A slice of lasagna pizza does always make the world a slightly better place. Mmmm.

Also, I agree and admit that working for hippies is a problem. These are the things that one must do in a time of financial instability.

(We're back to numbering.)

2. Edward Burns is awesome. He is an actor/writer/director that has been in some really good movies, such as 15 Minutes, Confidence, Saving Private Ryan, Sidewalks of New York, and, more recently, 27 Dresses. He rules.

3. Since you asked, I can tell you that (a) I have ranked and rewarded over one hundred movies with a 5-star rating, and (b) I don't even want to count those that received 4 stars from me. To give you an idea, the cream of the crop list includes: the complete Back to the Future series, Confidence, Good Will Hunting, The Life of David Gale, Pump Up the Volume, The Silence of the Lambs, the entire DVD collection of Six Feet Under (one of my all-time favorite TV shows), Suicide Kings, and The Usual Suspects. That is just a small sample. Once you become a Netflix-user, you can view all of my ratings (of which there are over 1,600 to date).

4. I wish that your new rating system could be implemented! Unfortunately, one cannot rate a movie multiple times on Netflix. There is no way to get around the whole-star rating system. 'Tis sad but true, I'm afraid.

(Responses to comments post-numbering...)

There could be worse jobs than handing out flyers for $10 an hour. Actually, what are the flyers for? The purpose of the advertisement might influence my opinion.

Who knew that anyone would describe me as "super cute" when it comes to anything? Weird, right?

For the record, everyone needs to get Netflix (not just you, Jamie). Netflix higher-ups, you should reward me for all of my advertising efforts.


P.S. Jamie and Jeni, you both got personal shout-outs on here; the least you could do is click "FOLLOW THIS BLOG" already. Dang....................

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I might be addicted to Scrabble.

It's true. I love Scrabble. Now that I found a nice online version (, I am really hooked. I tell myself that I will just play a game or two before I embark on
x task. Next thing I know, much more time has lapsed than should have. It's all good. I'm stimulating my mind. Right?

Surprisingly, there has been no cake-baking this week -- despite the fact that there have been several birthdays. Nonetheless, my fiddle inquired about the Homer (and a giant doughnut) cake that I made last month. In case anyone else is interested, I figured I would put it up here.

Let's see... here is a bulleted list of today's highlights:
  • My client/stalker appears to have stopped texting me. That's a big plus.
  • I applied for a freelance proofreading job that I would LOVE to have.
  • I took the day off from the hippie's work.
  • I was the email blast master, sending out hundreds of emails about Saturday night -- a good hip-hop night at Brass Monkey.
I told you that my life is not that exciting. If those were the highlights, can you imagine what the rest of the day was like?

Seriously, though... I watched
Married Life this morning, and it was highly disappointing. Can you imagine Rachel McAdams hooking up with Pierce Brosnan or Chris Cooper? The movie was boring, unrealistic, and just pretty bad. Since I did watch the whole thing without turning it off or stepping away, I will have to give it a 2 (which translates to "didn't like it" for all you non-Netflix users).

Oh, and I think that I might write a poem about cake. Christina, the self-proclaimed lover of cake, said that she wasn't talented enough to do it. Mind you, she really is, but, maybe I can write a silly little rhyme, and it will motivate her to write one, too. It will be food for thought... literally.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blasts from the past can even make me smile.

Ahhh, yes, it's true. Last night, I was reunited with a long-lost friend. We chatted for hours, and it felt like no time had gone by at all. Friendships like that, which stand the test of time, RULE!

On a completely unrelated note, I hate it when you try to watch a movie and keep falling asleep during it. For the last few nights, I have been trying to get through You Kill Me, but I cannot manage to stay awake. I don't even have to be tired; I put it on and within moments, I'm sleeping. The next night, I fast forward to the point that I last recall and try to finish it, but, next thing I know, I am sleeping. At this point, it is not even that the movie is good; I just want to get through it. Come on, Ben (Kingsley)...

Speaking of Sir Ben Kingsley, I still cannot wait to see The Wackness. When R.G. first told me about the movie, it was because he was interning for the project. He failed to mention how awesome it was... and how awesome the soundtrack is! It was only in (very, very) limited release here, so I have to wait for it to make it to DVD. I really can't wait!

On the job search front, I have yet to start today's round. I did, however, plan on applying to yesterday's assortment of jobs. Unfortunately, I need to re-format my resume as a CV for one of them. Plus, I have to find an appropriate writing sample for several of the others. Oh, and I even have to create my cover letter in an attachable document. What a mission...

I told my sister that I'd take her to the mall, so I guess that means that I actually have to wear something other than pajamas. I hate the mall (and my life). Hopefully, I can live to tell you about this (unfortunate) adventure.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A few things...

1. I am so happy that Entourage is back.

2. I might love Edward Burns.

3. I bookmarked a list of the most random jobs ever today.

Now, I will elaborate.

Regarding the first point, the show rules. If you don't watch it, you should. Adrian Grenier definitely makes my top 5. I cannot wait until Sunday -- I have something to look forward to each week.

As for the second point, I watched Purple Violets last night, which I gave a 3-star rating, and was reminded of how awesome Edward Burns is.

Finally, today's search resulted in the following collection of jobs: A domestic legal fellow for a non-profit advocacy group; a human rights program associate; a strategic research analyst; and an assistant research editor for a travel magazine. I am designating tomorrow as application day. Wish me luck!

Friday, September 5, 2008

The hippie that drives me crazy...

Thank goodness it's Friday. It seemed like a good thing to say, but I don't really mean it. Every day is part of a weekend when you live a life of leisure. Don't get me wrong, though -- it's not all leisure, all the time.

Today, for example, I had to do a round of research, which the hippie assigned as "another urgent task." Copying and pasting names and contact information hardly seems urgent. In fact, all it seems is tedious, boring, and mind-numbing. After three and a half hours, I had to stop. I thought that I might lose it. The hippie is the worst. I want to quit, but I can't because I need the money. Being broke sucks.

This is the shortest post ever. I am too hungry to think or type.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

This one is for the Hop-Stepper.

My routine is completely out of whack. It is nearly 4 o'clock, and I have yet to begin today's search for a job. I woke up this morning with a plan and good intentions, but I had an unexpected visitor. We ended up talking about a lot of different things, and, before I knew it, I was behind schedule. (Wait... you cannot really have a schedule when you have nowhere to be and/or nothing specific to do.)

On a side note... if you are going out with someone that does not want the same things out of life that you want, you should probably cut your losses while you are ahead. I keep trying to explain this to my friends, but they seem to miss the message. Maybe if it is in writing, it will help them learn this life lesson.

I just finished watching Smart People. Ideally, I would have rated it a 2.75, but since that is not an option, I generously rounded it up to 3 stars. Unfortunately, I was unable to get to the mailbox before the mail lady made her rounds. I guess that means that I will be without an additional movie for the weekend; my Netflix addiction will have to be satisfied by something else.

Less than one month until I leave for New York... I really need a change of scenery.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another day, another cake...

Since my last entry, I have been considerably busier than usual. Between two cakes, two John Mayer concerts, and out-of-town visitors to hang out with, I had things to do (for a change).

On the job search front, today, I bookmarked a few leads (to which I need to go back and actually apply). Yesterday, I sent my resume out to somewhere that escapes my memory.

When I am not busy with my daily job search, I find myself in the kitchen, baking cakes gone wild. This is the most recent in the Cakes by Phone collection. By the time it was photographed, the "Miller" was not sticking in place as well as I would have liked, but you get the idea.

I wish I was Mexican because I love burritos more than life itself. (Granted, that doesn't say much these days since I am not loving life.) Anyway, I had a burrito from Tijuana Flats, which, while good, has nothing on Chipotle. Feel free to weigh in on your burrito comments.

Speaking of opinions, the last two movies that I watched were Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (3 stars) and August (which I gave 3 stars despite my disappointment). Tonight's Netflix fix is Smart People; I will let you know how that goes. The cast alone is promising; I remain optimistic.

Until tomorrow...