Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Case of the Missing Rap Lyrics

I know the subject sounds like a Nancy Drew mystery, but I assure you that it is much more serious. Last night, Sash the Mosh discovered that one index card (on which she wrote part of the lyrics to her I.F.T. rap) was missing. She searched high and low, but to no avail. Hopefully, she will find the missing index card today. I dedicate this posting to her in the hope that she finds those brilliant lyrics.

Also, I owe my loyal readers an apology. I have been slacking. I promise that I'll step up my game. The good news is that I am back! (It's not like I ever left my computer, so I don't even have a good excuse for why I haven't been typing away.)

Anyway... let's go with some stream of consciousness type stuff:

- Scrabble (via Facebook) occupies more of my time than it should.
- I am going to make an INTENSE holiday cake in an attempt to win an autographed guitar for Gina. Anyone hungry? I'll have samples for those who are interested and can show up to where the cake will be.
- The job search is so dreadful that it hurts my feelings.
- I am in yet another 3-star rut. Hopefully, today's Netflix will break the pattern.
- Oh man... I got the most awesome sneakers to add to the collection. I'll have to take a picture and post it for you to see. They are SICK!

That's enough of that.

I need to figure out what I'm doing right now. I should be on my way to Delray to have a mini-reunion with Merin and Matt Fox. After all, she needs me. In fact, she called and left a message, saying that Matt was talking crap about Scrabble and that she needed me to come up there to regulate. Nice, right? It's good to know that my Scrabble addiction pays off every now and then.

You know what I hate? Well, lots of things, actually, but, in this instance, I am referring to one specific thing. I hate when you have something (in this case, an Oreo sundae shake from Burger King) that rocks your world, but, when you have it the second time, it falls totally short of your expectations. That's such crap. I had the shake a while ago, and it was awesome; last night, it was missing some key components. Talk about lame...

Now that I have depressed myself a little more, I guess I should bid farewell for now. I promise I'll be back with more nonsense from the depths of my mind.


  1. Thanks for the dedication to the lost rap lyrics. I rewrote the lyrics; I think I remembered them pretty accurately - there was really only a few lines missing. So we're back in business! Soon my clever usage of the phrases "knock boots" and "hit the skins" will catapult us into stardom and riches! At least two good things have come out of your I.F.T experiences (my rap, and your book). 2009 is so our year!

  2. First Off, Glad you found the missing rap lyrics, Someone can totally steal your brillant thoughts, prob the same person who made the crappy oreo shake stole them. Second, do I smell another cake??? Yeah!! Whose guitar are you trying to win? Its gotta be Mayer if its for G, lol. How about
    another cake for Your Nutty cousin in NY, I'll take anything even the crumbs, I'm hungry. Third, Don't worry about slacking on here or being in a rut with netflix, I watched a really bad movie the other night that I totally need The Lisa Critique on, And Lastely, I want to see the new sneakers, Jo bought some new ones too, I went to the store with her, All I know Is I miss the days you could just go in a store and buy shoes, Now they make you model the shoe and get on a treadmill, What the Crap??
