Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I opted for a short and sweet subject today because my aim is to clarify a few points.

Make no mistake... the missing rap lyrics were not mine. I cannot take credit for the brilliance embodied within them. Trish may be on to something, though -- the person that stole the index card may have been the same person who made the disappointing Oreo sundae shake.

Also, I picked today's subject for this segue -- the guitar that I am trying to win for Gina is, of course, autographed by John Mayer! One of his songs is titled Clarity. Oh, and, he bakes cakes, too.

How was that for another nice segue? Speaking of cakes, consider this an official statement: I owe Tricia a cake as soon as we are in the same place, and time allows for the baking of said cake.

Who has an iPhone? If you have one or know anyone that does, please download the game, Freedom Run
(or get them to download it). Oz made it, so I am encouraging everyone to get it and play it like nobody's business. Warning: There is no ending. Your goal is to score as many points as possible and get on the leaderboard. That's it. Simple enough, right?

It's too early in the day for me to making any meaningful statements. That will be another day's mission.


  1. someone stole my TI cd...I blame the car wash persons

  2. I can't wait to see the cake you make for the contest! I have no doubt that you will win! I definitely want part of the donut hole Christmas tree! Maybe after seeing your impressive cake, John Mayer will want to be our friend, and then we can party in style and also make some important music contacts, which will aid in the launching of my rap career! Our fame and riches are so close I can feel it!

  3. I am getting a cake!!!!Yeah!! Have anything special in mind, you knowI'm crazy, ha ha, so make it fun, I have comlete faith in you li, Sorry I can't comment on the rest, I'm too excited I am getting a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
