Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cakes are cool. Period.

Last night, I was on the phone with Sash the Mosh, and we were talking about some of the brilliant ideas that we have collectively had and the statements of fact that we make. Thus, it was only fitting that today's subject be what it is. After all, cakes are cool. That is a fact.

Speaking of cakes, after my Halloween cake is completed and (hopefully) devoured, I am going to start the planning phase for the ten cakes that will make up CAKE-FEST. I am open to suggestions both in terms of flavors and designs. Please feel free to comment with any ideas that you may have. I appreciate it!

On a totally random note, I have been meaning to mention this for a while now; in fact, at one point, I was even going to devote an entire posting to the topic. The Hop-Stepper and I got into a conversation about music, which evolved into some talk about specific artists and left us thinking: Where in the world is D'Angelo? I did a little research and found out that he was in and out of jail (among other things). Check out this link if you're interested -- http://www.spin.com/articles/dangelo-what-hell-happened.

Staying with this random approach, I have not given you my movie ratings of late. This is due to a couple of factors -- one of which is that I cannot seem to get a good rotation going. This weekend, for example, I attempted to watch Flight of the Red Balloon (a foreign film that put me to sleep on more than one occasion) and Standard Operating Procedure (a documentary that lacked the ability to keep my interest at all). It was disappointing.

Nonetheless, here is a (long) list of the other movies that I watched in the past month:
  • Sex and Death 101 -- I gave it a 3; it probably deserved slightly less, but you know the deal.
  • Birds of America -- The title should have given me a clue; I HATE BIRDS. I should have known not to rent it. The movie actually had very little do with birds, but, still, it was no good. I only gave it a 2, and that is because I managed to sit through the whole thing.
  • Tortured -- Despite the fact that it was quite disturbing, I liked it enough to feel comfortable with my 3-star rating.
  • Death at a Funeral -- How is that a preview can look so good, but the movie itself can fall so short? This was 2 star-worthy at best.
  • The Visitor -- Can I just say how much I miss Six Feet Under? This movie starred the actor who played Nate Fisher, Sr. I gave it a 3, but I may have been slightly biased.
  • Run, Fat Boy, Run -- I really liked this. 4 stars -- wooooooo-hoooooo!
  • My Sassy Girl -- Surprisingly, this weird romantic comedy was pretty good -- 3 stars.
  • Leatherheads -- While I normally think that you can't go all that wrong with George Clooney, you can. This was bad. I barely was able to sit through the whole thing; I wanted to give it a 1.5, but was forced to give it a 2.
  • It's a Boy Girl Thing -- This was dumb. How many times can you watch mind-switching tales? You know what I mean... movies where the characters' minds move to the others' body...
  • Arranged -- I gave it a 3. I watched this a while ago, and, honestly, I don't have anything to say about it one way or the other.
  • The Neighbor -- It was slightly amusing, which is why I gave it a 3. I might have been feeling generous, though.
  • I Could Never Be Your Woman -- This was a movie about a couple with an age difference like that of Ashton and Demi (since we're on a first-name basis, apparently). Haha. It was alright. I laughed a couple of times, which translated to a 3-star rating.
  • Ballet Shoes -- Duane recommended it, so I gave it a chance. It was not bad, but not as good as I thought that it was going to be. Still, I gave it a 3.
  • Felon -- This was surprisingly good -- a 4!!!
  • Finding Amanda -- AWFUL! I hated it. Matthew Broderick, come on. Is this what his career is coming to?
I know... I watch too many movies. Mind you, this list includes only Netflix.

If only you knew how much TV (shows and more movies) I watch...


  1. you love the cakes...Can not wait to see your halloween creation

  2. I was here, thats it all. Oh and cake is good.

  3. That's right, cakes are cool. Your Halloween cake looked awesome! I haven't tasted any yet, but I will today. And tell the hop-stepper that his cocoa krispies treats were delicious; I ate a few last night, I ate one for breakfast, and I'm thinking of eating another one even though it's Jasper's. It wouldn't be wrong of me to eat Jasper's treat, because "you snooze you lose" and that fool is still sleeping! I totally forgot about D'Angelo! I never really liked his music, but I remember his nakedness.

  4. Cakefest! Why am I not there, I am so jealous, my new thing is eat 5 slices of cake a day, So I am totally jealous. Aww I miss our cake parties, I can't make cakes without remembering all the cake parties and feeling sad your not here. Lol, I forgot all about D'angelo, Guess Neyo is The new D'Angelo, minus the Nakedness ha ha. Love Your Movie Reviews, Who's in Fat Boy Run/ The title alone cracks me up.
