Friday, October 24, 2008

Food is good.

I was very excited about my last entry and the proclamation of my new mantra -- cue the title of today's entry. Despite my excitement, I had to hold off on updating the blog because I was waiting for one person (that I don't even know -- a friend of a friend) to read it. UNREAL. There will be no more of that.

In light of the mantra, I have been thinking about blogging about my love of online menu-reading. As much as I love this guilty pleasure, it's horrible. I usually read the menus when I'm hungry, which makes it worse and much more self-torturous. What is even crazier is the fact that I am not alone in this! Both Jeni Breadsticks and Sash the Mosh both do this! What is wrong with us?

As if that wasn't a good enough example of how food-obsessed my friends and I are, here is a better one: A road trip in the name of food! We are driving to Fort Myers just to go eat at Red Robin. The commercials for Red Robin are always on TV, but the closest and only location in the entire state is in Fort Myers. You do what you have to do for the love of the food -- what else can I say?

Back in the good ol' days when I had a (very crappy) job and was living in NY, we used to have cake parties every weekend. I'm taking that to a whole new level. After my dinner with Merin the other night, CAKE-FEST is in the planning phase. In preparation for the first Cakes by Phone photo shoot, I will have to design and make 10 cakes, which will have to be eaten! How awesome is that?

Speaking of cakes, I finally made up my mind about the Halloween cake. I hope that it looks as good when completed as it does in my mind.

All of this talk about food has gotten me really hungry. I need to eat. I shall blog tomorrow.


  1. Seriously; 10 cakes! They're gonna have to roll you out eventually! I'm guessing you and your firends are avid Food Network fans... I used to be, but now I'm too busy to enjoy it. So jellous!

  2. cake parties every pool every friday..4am breakfast ..just to name a few of our rituals ...good times


  4. I am down for a Red Robin excursion one day. Damn those commercials!

  5. We are totally insane! I don't know why we torture ourselves by viewing delicious looking pictures of food when we are hungry, or why we even look at menus at all - it's not like we can actually afford to go out to eat. We are sad, which will only make our 2009 victories even sweeter. 2009 is so our year! Our reality show will be a huge hit, and we will get our cribs worthy crib, and then our menu viewing habits will not be in vain, because we will actually be able to afford to eat out.
