Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Only in 2009 will you find a web site devoted to text messages that probably shouldn't have been sent at all and definitely shouldn't be read by strangers -- especially out of context! Having visited, I am slightly horrified. Maybe that's a bit harsh, but you should really read some of these. I wonder if the creators are making money off of these drunk dial texts. Why didn't I think of this?

I was probably too busy talking to Duane on the phone for hours about places we can go eat. Lately, we are on a counter-service kick, meaning that we want to order our food at the counter and sit down to enjoy it sans waiter/waitress service. We are open to suggestions for future options. In searching, I found a dessert option in Lola's Cupcakery. I need to go there... soon.

Seriously, I should have gone to culinary school. If only I didn't max out on my student loans...

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