Friday, August 29, 2008

Where do I begin?

I must admit that I am somewhat surprised that I am doing this -- allowing uninvited strangers inside the depths of my mind. It has gotten to the point that I need an outlet of some kind. Given that my life is not what I want it to be, maybe this will be therapeutic. Maybe some readers will be entertained by what I have to say... maybe I will even find a job... who knows? Here goes nothing...

Beyond the normal journaling of the mundane happenings of my daily life, I also will keep you posted on the dreadful job search. (For those of you that do not want to relive this painstaking process, I warn you to feel free to skip that part of my rambling.)

Today, like any other day, I hit up the usual job search tools that I visit day in and day out, but, unfortunately, I came up with absolutely nothing. Can you tell me how it is possible that (a) there are so many jobs listed when our economy is less than flourishing (to say the least), and (b) I cannot find a viable option out of any of these? I applied to a couple of decent jobs yesterday that I have yet to hear from -- one of which is in Minnesota, the other of which is in NY. Keep your fingers crossed.

Oh, and, last night, I watched Son of Rambow. It was good, but I was expecting a lot more. If Netflix allowed me to rate with fractional star ratings, I would have given it a 3.25 (out of 5 for you non-Netflix addicts), but I was limited by the whole star rating system and was forced to give it only a 3. (I find this troubling because I have definitely watched movies that I also rated a 3, which paled in comparison.)

Speaking of things I watched yesterday, I was watching the Travel Channel and saw a couple of shows that made me hungrier than usual. Plus, there is a store that I want to go to in Seattle, namely, the REI flagship store. That place is INSANE! There is a 65-foot rock climbing wall, and there are even indoor hiking trails for you to take your choice of hiking boots for a test hike. It was unreal.

It is pretty sad that those were the highlights of yesterday. I am in desperate need of a game night... or a vacation. I need something to occupy my mind and my time. A change of scenery would be ideal, but game night always cheers me up.